The Path to Organic Fashion Wear is a Long One

Name: Mina Hegaard
Company: Minawear Organic Lounge Wear

Check out Minawear among over 400 organic hemp and cotton products on
What’s your personal definition of greening?

Every business can do something to cause less waste and pollution, from using less and recycling, to promoting carpooling and other energy efficient modes.  In my company the material used in the products themselves are as green as possible without reverting to Amish methods of manufacturing.

How did you get started in green business?

I discovered the myriad uses for hemp, and had always been a clothing designer, but never wanted to get into the disturbing cycle of fashion trash.

Why did you choose to supply It’s the only company that seems pretty together with their drop ship process.  Green companies tend to be fly by night, as people jump on the band wagon either genuinely enthusiastic, but inexperienced in business, or in it for the buck.

What do you and your company do in your own life and operations to walk the walk?

Minawear promotes hemp and organic cotton, as well as using recycled shipping materials whenever possible.

What is the best greening advice you can give our customers?

Start small and work your way up.  Feel good about whatever you can do and spread the love!

What’s your personal favorite of your products that carries?

The bamboo wood products are pretty cool in the kitchen.

What’s been the biggest change in the green sector since you got started?

Minawear started in 1998 and I was doing a lot of educating just about what hemp was and why organic cotton is so important.  Now most people seem to know, but I moved to a small town in Texas and its almost like living in 1998 again.  (There are lots of people that are eco-conscious though)

Do you really think green products make a big difference and why?

They are growing exponentially and the costs of production are coming down as the demand goes up.  They eventually will become the status quo as it seems to be in larger cities.  Also, quality is getting better.

Do you think consumers now are aware green products exist, or is there still a lot more education to do?

I think in the rural places especially in the middle of the country where the Walmart shoppers rule, the bottom line there is price.  When the prices are competitive and it sits on the shelves next to the typical items people will choose organic more often. ( agrees, Mina, quality and price.)

If you could invent a green product that doesn’t exist, what would it be?

Straws that dissolve.  (We’ll be on the lookout for that one Mina!)

One Response to “The Path to Organic Fashion Wear is a Long One”
  1. Thanks for sharing this interview! I’m always looking for new designers that create eco friendly clothing.

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